
My beloved disciple, Ms. H.K. is holily privileged to be aesthetically polished.


My beloved disciple, Ms. H.K. loves Ginza sanctuary very much. There is no difference between the two, her home and Ginza sanctuary for her.

She has been aesthetically polished under Toshiyuki Namai's guidance for many years already. Recently, she got some nice ideas in order to appropriately preserve "cleanliness" and "holiness" Ginza sanctuary possesses. And, she took action to realize it without hesitation.

Ms. H.K. is holily privileged to be aesthetically treained to be more beautiful in the core of her heart by inches. All of disciples experience the same under the aegis of holy instruction Toshiyuki Namai carries out as his lifelong mission.

Human life is absolutely transient. The grace of a sense of beauty Ms. H.K. possesses will surpass any of material matters meretriciously affected. Such grace she possesses shines anyplace anywhere here on earth.


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