Vol. 129 Unknown power of perceptiveness you individually and unconsciously possess
Unknown power of perceptiveness you individually and unconsciously possess(PDF)
Vol. 128 「外国人はこわくない・・・職場や出張での接し方」(下)
(連載コラム、日経産業新聞)「外国人はこわくない・・・職場や出張での接し方」(下)(PDF) (連載コラム、日経産業新聞)
Vol. 127 「外国人はこわくない・・・職場や出張での接し方」(中)
(連載コラム、日経産業新聞)「外国人はこわくない・・・職場や出張での接し方」(中)(PDF) (連載コラム、日経産業新聞)
Vol. 126 「外国人はこわくない・・・職場や出張での接し方」(上)
(連載コラム、日経産業新聞)「外国人はこわくない・・・職場や出張での接し方」(上)(PDF) (連載コラム、日経産業新聞)
Vol. 125 二重表明法の美意識が齎す「真実の真実性」・・・“No placebo is given to you. No non sequitur is given to you, either.”
二重表明法の美意識が齎す「真実の真実性」・・・“No placebo is given to you. No non sequitur is given to you, either.”(PDF)
Vol. 124 理性的存在者(a rational existent)への道
理性的存在者(a rational existent)への道(PDF)
Vol. 123 The significance of listening to and concerning hilarious anecdote for the sake of finding a hole to enter the highly developed mechanism of brain Ⅱ
The significance of listening to and concerning hilarious anecdote for the sake of finding a hole to ...
Vol. 122 dehumanizationからhumanizationへ・・・「”思索存在”の原始生活」の勧め
Vol. 121 The significance of listening to and concerning hilarious anecdote for the sake of finding a hole to enter the highly developed mechanism of brain Ⅰ
The significance of listening to and concerning hilarious anecdote for the sake of finding a hole to ...
Vol. 120 重要教材「レッスン日記」の勉強が、「国際的教養の根幹」を樹立する
Vol. 119 ホントに話すこと、聞くことは上手になるの?・・・コミュニケーションの専門家に、話し上手、聞き上手になるためのアドバイスをいただきました。(企業体社内報からの取材)
ホントに話すこと、聞くことは上手になるの?・・・コミュニケーションの専門家に、話し上手、聞き上手になるためのアドバイスをいただきました。(PDF) (企業体社内報からの取材)
Vol. 118 「厳格性」と「エレガント英語」の相互関係
Vol. 117 Genuine or phony—Nobody negatively hinders you at all
Genuine or phony—Nobody negatively hinders you at all(PDF)
Vol. 116 生井利幸事務所が行う啓蒙活動の意味
生井利幸公式サイトは、生井利幸事務所が行う様々な啓蒙活動を行う上での根幹的な役割を演じています。生井利幸事務所の活動は、東京・銀座3丁目の「銀座書斎」(Ginza sanctuary)を拠点とし、一般 ...
Vol. 115 喧嘩上手なマネジャーになれ!! 「ロジカル喧嘩術」のすすめ(雑誌・「特集」)
喧嘩上手なマネジャーになれ!! 「ロジカル喧嘩術」のすすめ(PDF) (雑誌・「特集」)
Vol. 114 The reverberation tells me to take action according to what I hear in my heart
The reverberation tells me to take action according to what I hear in my heart(PDF)
Vol. 113 名前よりも、”中身”を見極める見識を養おう
Vol. 112 The meaning of desert
The meaning of desert(PDF)
Vol. 111 社員の心を掴むスピーチ術
Vol. 110 出発前に「留学成長力」を高めれば、グングン「成長」できます!(雑誌取材・巻頭特集「一年後の私が楽しみになる留学」)
Vol. 109 「生きる」を教えてくれる先生(受講生・M.K.さん執筆、2013年7月当時)
「生きる」を教えてくれる先生(PDF) (受講生・M.K.さん執筆、2013年7月当時)
Vol. 108 Socrates guides you to know your ignorance
Socrates guides you to know your ignorance(PDF)
Vol. 107 The subtlety of the things—The ability for you to susceptibly feel and recognize the subtlety of the things is absolutely important for you to rigidly learn and master elegant English here in this Ginza sanctuary by inches.
The subtlety of the things—The ability for you to susceptibly feel and recognize the subtlety of the ...
Vol. 106 Masticating the things engenders the beauty of just comprehension—Just comprehension out of mastication is absolutely beautiful more than you simply imagine.
Masticating the things engenders the beauty of just comprehension—Just comprehension out of masticat ...
Vol. 103 The quintessential meaning of the concept, “rigidity”
The quintessential meaning of the concept, “rigidity”(PDF)
Vol. 102 初対面でも必ず相手の心をつかむ「雑談の技術」
Vol. 101 The beginning of wisdom
The beginning of wisdom(PDF)
Vol. 100 The principle of Euclid for the sake of pursuit of the essence and the absolute truth as rudimentary analogical application
The principle of Euclid for the sake of pursuit of the essence and the absolute truth as rudimentary ...
Vol. 99 “cultivation”についての気づき(Lesson Extraordinary修了生・Y.B.さん執筆、2013年8月当時)
“cultivation”についての気づき(PDF) (Lesson Extraordinary修了生・Y.B.さん執筆、2013年8月当時)
Vol. 98 哲学は、「学問の基礎」であり、且つ、「国際的教養の基盤」である
Vol. 97 The wise in the world exert all their strength upon the spot.—Tomorrow is the very matter of imagination.
The wise in the world exert all their strength upon the spot.—Tomorrow is the very matter of imagina ...
Vol. 96 弓道における心の「澄まし」(受講生・M.K.さん執筆、2013年2月当時)
弓道における心の「澄まし」(PDF) (受講生・M.K.さん執筆、2013年2月当時)
Vol. 95 To have a sense of urgency at all times is one of the best ways to realize your dream.
To have a sense of urgency at all times is one of the best ways to realize your dream. (PDF)
Vol. 94 弓道から学ぶ(受講生・M.K.さん執筆、2012年8月当時)
弓道から学ぶ (PDF) (受講生・M.K.さん執筆、2012年8月当時)
Vol. 93 Rational digestion in my stomach
Rational digestion in my stomach(PDF)
Vol. 92 The color, black teaches me the truth
The color, black teaches me the truth(PDF)
Vol. 91 Dreaming of something unreal engenders nothing
Dreaming of something unreal engenders nothing(PDF)
Vol. 90 道に迷ったとき、「原点・出発点」に戻ると、道が見えてくる
Vol. 89 Action you take engenders something real
Action you take engenders something real(PDF)
Vol. 88 You cannot taste the same water, again
You cannot taste the same water, again(PDF)
Vol. 87 「”英語道”を通じて出会うことのできた”知”」(Lesson Extraordinary修了生・Y.B.さん執筆)
「”英語道”を通じて出会うことのできた”知”」(PDF) (Lesson Extraordinary修了生・Y.B.さん執筆)
Vol. 86 今、再び、哲学について考える
Vol. 85 受講生・J.K.さん執筆、「2013年における私の決意と実行」
受講生・J.K.さん執筆、「2013年における私の決意と実行」(PDF) (2018年6月現在、J.K.さんはイタリア・ローマに赴任中)
Vol. 84 Introduction to the fundamental mechanism to build the ability, “rational logicality”
Introduction to the fundamental mechanism to build the ability, “rational logicality”(PDF)
Vol. 83 Easier said than done.
Easier said than done.(PDF)
Vol. 82 The meaning of existence of a bicameral legislature under the Constitution of Japan of 1946—“Rational law” is rationally expected to be established by “the sole law-making organ of the State” as the embodiment of rationality meaningfully given.
The meaning of existence of a bicameral legislature under the Constitution of Japan of 1946—“Rationa ...
Vol. 81 What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.—Fresh impression penetrates into intellect which organizes the primary stage of future intellectuality you need.
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.—Fresh impression penetrates into intellect wh ...
Vol. 80 今再び、レッスンの最終ステージで行われるclosing statementについて考える
今再び、レッスンの最終ステージで行われるclosing statementについて考える(PDF)
Vol. 79 The three stages of delicacy(Figure for the theory, “tuning standard”)
The three stages of delicacy(Figure for the theory, “tuning standard”)(PDF)
Vol. 78 人類で初めて月面着陸を経験したアメリカの宇宙飛行士、ニール・アームストロング
Vol. 77 ダンスから学んだ事(受講生C.K.さん執筆)
先日のレッスンにて、新・受講生C.K.さんが、大変素晴らしい発表をしてくれました。C.K.さんは、当・英会話道場イングリッシュヒルズで英会話レッスンを学び始めて3ヶ月目。C.K.さんは、「音から入る、 ...
Vol. 76 生井利幸が講じる英語音声講義をしっかりと理解するための学習法・・・あなたは、「英語の音」が見えますか
Vol. 75 レッスン日記の傍観者ではなく「当事者・登場者」になる受講生が、しっかりと「国際的教養・品格」を養うことができる
Vol. 74 The anthropological comprehension of differentia of two concepts, intellectuality and rationality meaningfully encourages you to be a genuine rational existent.
The anthropological comprehension of differentia of two concepts, intellectuality and rationality me ...
Vol. 73 You are finely trained to improve the quality of the two, reason and sensibility for the sake of the development of your intellectuality.
You are finely trained to improve the quality of the two, reason and sensibility for the sake of the ...
Vol. 72 理性性の一形態としての「収斂」(astringency)
Vol. 71 Bruise in my heart
Bruise in my heart(PDF)
Vol. 70 internationalizationの概念
Vol. 69 今再び、「エレガント英語の源泉」について考える・・・エレガント英語とは「美しい英語」を意味する概念である
Vol. 68 毎日10回行う音読の宿題に内在する「意味」と「本質」
Vol. 68の勉強方法は、通常通り、まず第一に、教材(リポート)をプリントアウトして精読。その後、たっぷりと時間をかけてノートに整理。リポート執筆者は、現在、英語道弟子課程弟子・T.A.さん(201 ...
Vol. 67 You are rationally guided to philosophize the meaning of writing for the realization of your individual concreteness in the future.
You are rationally guided to philosophize the meaning of writing for the realization of your individ ...
Vol. 66 It is a prerequisite for you to know your slipshodness first for the sake of sharpening your delicacy.
It is a prerequisite for you to know your slipshodness first for the sake of sharpening your delicac ...
Vol. 65 It is a sapient idea for you to supernaturally breathe as nobody special in the immense distances of space for the sake of your spiritual consummation expected in the future.
It is a sapient idea for you to supernaturally breathe as nobody special in the immense distances of ...
Vol. 64 Learned Intellectuals in the world deliberately subordinate logicality to delicacy.
Learned Intellectuals in the world deliberately subordinate logicality to delicacy.(PDF)
Vol. 63 The impenetrability of the two concepts in your mentality, the state to be comfortable and the state to be intellectual
The impenetrability of the two concepts in your mentality, the state to be comfortable and the state ...
Vol. 62 Toshiyuki Namai’s English extraordinarily upgrades the quality of the two, reason and sensibility you have.
Toshiyuki Namai’s English extraordinarily upgrades the quality of the two, reason and sensibility yo ...
Vol. 61 Introduction to the beginning of wisdom—The rudimentary stage for the sake of the pursuit of wisdom
Introduction to the beginning of wisdom—The rudimentary stage for the sake of the pursuit of wisdom( ...
Vol. 60 The ultimate spiritual state in Japanese culture, the state of astringency
The ultimate spiritual state in Japanese culture, the state of astringency(PDF)
Vol. 59 Three fundamental stages in human life rationally introduced by Toshiyuki Namai, cultivation, civilization and naturalization
Three fundamental stages in human life rationally introduced by Toshiyuki Namai, cultivation, civili ...
Vol. 58 Toshiyuki Namai entirely guides you to delicately feel and understand two aesthetic concepts of Japanese culture, “subtle taste” and “elegant simplicity.”
Toshiyuki Namai entirely guides you to delicately feel and understand two aesthetic concepts of Japa ...
Vol. 57 Rudimentary introduction to the characteristics of two Japanese aesthetical concepts, subtle taste and elegant simplicity
Rudimentary introduction to the characteristics of two Japanese aesthetical concepts, subtle taste a ...
Vol. 56 I’d like you to be valorous to broaden “the sphere of culture” as one of sapient beings standing upon the earth.
I’d like you to be valorous to broaden “the sphere of culture” as one of sapient beings standing upo ...
Vol. 55 Three fundamental processes for you to be a cultured bilingual, feeling first, thinking second and digesting third in your daily life—Those students who are wise enough need no faradism for their improvement here in this Ginza sanctuary.
Three fundamental processes for you to be a cultured bilingual, feeling first, thinking second and d ...
Vol. 54 A little learning is a dangerous thing.—It is necessary for you to get rid of your self-centered indulgence and local greed.
A little learning is a dangerous thing.—It is necessary for you to get rid of your self-centered ind ...
Vol. 53 Is knowledge powerful or powerless?—No human being is infallible.
Is knowledge powerful or powerless?—No human being is infallible.(PDF)
Vol. 52 It is said that a wise person deliberately anticipates the worst in the future anytime.
It is said that a wise person deliberately anticipates the worst in the future anytime.(PDF)
Vol. 51 Understanding the efficacy of medicine prescribed by a doctor is absolutely necessary for a patient in order to receive reasonable medical treatment expected.
Understanding the efficacy of medicine prescribed by a doctor is absolutely necessary for a patient ...
Vol. 50 Constitutional law cerebrally gives you some hints to think of a way for you, “how to live rationally” as a rational human being truly civilized.
Constitutional law cerebrally gives you some hints to think of a way for you, “how to live rationall ...
Vol. 49 Refined spiritual state of Japanese culture, the subtle and profound
Refined spiritual state of Japanese culture, the subtle and profound(PDF)
Vol. 48 The ultimate English as a common language of humankind on earth
The ultimate English as a common language of humankind on earth(PDF)
Vol. 47 The three stages of delicacy(Figure for Toshiyuki Namai’s original theory, “tuning standard”)
The three stages of delicacy(Figure for Toshiyuki Namai’s original theory, “tuning standard”)(PDF)
Vol. 46 Graceful reverberation through feeling a sense of transience as a matter of everlasting transmigration for the sake of the crystallization of the ultimate elegance in the profound usage of a common language of humankind
Graceful reverberation through feeling a sense of transience as a matter of everlasting transmigrati ...
Vol. 45 The immaculate beauty of no possession
The immaculate beauty of no possession(PDF)
Vol. 44 Are you delicate enough to minutely refine your delicacy for you to speak English language elegantly?
Are you delicate enough to minutely refine your delicacy for you to speak English language elegantly ...
Vol. 43 Pièce de résistance to sensitively experience as a human being
Pièce de résistance to sensitively experience as a human being(PDF)
Vol. 42 Writing gives you intellectual strength for the sake of the realization of cultured bilingualism.
Writing gives you intellectual strength for the sake of the realization of cultured bilingualism.(PD ...
Vol. 41 “Solid or breathable”—Guide to build the foundation of genuine knowledge for the sake of cultured bilingualism
“Solid or breathable”—Guide to build the foundation of genuine knowledge for the sake of cultured bi ...
Vol. 40 Intellectual stimulation deriving from the two, “wisdom” and “a sense of beauty”
Intellectual stimulation deriving from the two, “wisdom” and “a sense of beauty”(PDF)
Vol. 39 Toshiyuki Namai’s English is the embodiment of his aesthetics he possesses in his individuality internally.
Toshiyuki Namai’s English is the embodiment of his aesthetics he possesses in his individuality inte ...
Vol. 38 The differentia of the two concepts, stereotype and common sense
The differentia of the two concepts, stereotype and common sense(PDF)
Vol. 37 The great significance to know “what you don’t know” in the process to build your English culture
The great significance to know “what you don’t know” in the process to build your English culture(PD ...
Vol. 36 The best leaning way for the sake of better comprehension of Toshiyuki Namai’s English spoken rationally in the lessons
The best leaning way for the sake of better comprehension of Toshiyuki Namai’s English spoken ration ...
Vol. 35 New experience nurtures your potentiality in future.
New experience nurtures your potentiality in future.(PDF)
Vol. 34 The difference between the two concepts, “excuse” and “apology”
The difference between the two concepts, “excuse” and “apology”(PDF)
Vol. 33 Writing down “what I rationally speak in the lesson” without seeing any reference written gives you the reasonable direction to build your genuine English culture in the future.
Writing down “what I rationally speak in the lesson” without seeing any reference written gives you ...
Vol. 32 Delinquency in the presence of a lifelong mission you possess produces nothing at all.
Delinquency in the presence of a lifelong mission you possess produces nothing at all.(PDF)
Vol. 31 Elegant experience to deeply relish biting colloquial lusciousness in the Ginza Sanctuary rationally vested in you all
Elegant experience to deeply relish biting colloquial lusciousness in the Ginza Sanctuary rationally ...
Vol. 30 Separation of three powers provided by the Constitution of Japan
Separation of three powers provided by the Constitution of Japan(PDF)
Vol. 29 Spirituality and Rationality
Spirituality and Rationality(PDF)
Vol. 28 Introduction to Japanese calligraphy as aesthetics to beautifully express your ideas and feelings
Introduction to Japanese calligraphy as aesthetics to beautifully express your ideas and feelings(PD ...
Vol. 27 Humanitarian Lessons organized by reason and sensibility your instructor, Toshiyuki Namai universally carries out
Humanitarian Lessons organized by reason and sensibility your instructor, Toshiyuki Namai universall ...
Vol. 26 I’d like you to rationally wake up now as a human being dwelling here on the earth. ・・・「妄想」(illusion)から目を覚ます人が、英会話道場イングリッシュヒルズでの「本質的学習」を成就させる
I’d like you to rationally wake up now as a human being dwelling here on the earth.・・・「妄想」(illusion) ...
Vol. 25 エレガント英語への道 Ⅴ
エレガント英語への道 Ⅴ(PDF)
Vol. 24 エレガント英語への道 Ⅳ
エレガント英語への道 Ⅳ(PDF)
Vol. 23 エレガント英語への道 Ⅲ
エレガント英語への道 Ⅲ(PDF)
Vol. 22 エレガント英語への道 Ⅱ
エレガント英語への道 Ⅱ(PDF)
Vol. 21 エレガント英語への道 Ⅰ
エレガント英語への道 Ⅰ(PDF)
Vol. 20 「キャンセル」という言葉は、使い方を間違えると自分の品格を大きく落とす
Vol. 19 The essential review of the two, Knowledge and culture
The essential review of the two, Knowledge and culture(PDF)
Vol. 18 「理性的イントネーション」への道のり・・・国際レヴェルの英語スピーカーを目指して
Vol. 17 英米語における「良心の呵責」(the pangs of conscience)の概念
英米語における「良心の呵責」(the pangs of conscience)の概念(PDF) ◆PDF教材の正誤表 ・・・PDF教材2ページ目、下から10行目・・・ 誤: 動詞のqualmを形容詞に ...
Vol. 16 “Aim high spiritually and you will strike high.”
“Aim high spiritually and you will strike high.”(PDF)
Vol. 15 古代ギリシアで生まれた「哲学の源流」
Vol. 14 Subtle Taste and Elegant Simplicity (wabi and sabi)
A Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Subtle Taste and Elegant Simplicity (wabi and sabi) 3 The Ultim ...
Vol. 13 The subtle and profound (幽玄)
The subtle and profound (幽玄) is one of the Japanese aesthetic spiritual stages, which values a share ...
Vol. 12 Courageous departure from the dehumanization of human beings in the poisoned civilization
Courageous departure from the dehumanization of human beings in the poisoned civilization(PDF)
Vol. 11 「美」「美意識」「エレガント英語」の関係性
Vol. 10 茶道におけるエレガンス、英語におけるエレガンス
“Nobody has any impeccability in this world.”(世の中に無欠の者は存在しない)、・・・即ち、これは、「どのように優れた才能・能力を備えている人でも、”imp ...
Vol. 9 音は、音であって音ではない
英会話を学ぶ人であれば、「国際社会で通用する会話術・発音・イントネーション等を習得し、様々なコミュニケーションにおいて意気揚々と英語を喋りたい」と切望することはごく自然の道理でしょう。現在、当・英会話 ...
Vol. 8 気品・優雅さは、「頑張り」からくるもの
特別講義Vol. 8は、受講生・T.I.さんが全力で行った”Extra Homwwork 14″の学習成果をヒントとして「学びの道」、即ち、「国際的教養・品格への道」について再考したいと思います。ここ ...
Vol. 7 「厳しさ」の意味
このたびの学習教材は、”Extra Homework 14″の回顧・復習とします。このたびは、すべての受講生の皆さんが、心を込めて丁寧に、”Extra Homework 14″を行いました。この課題に ...
Vol. 6 仏教・禅宗の無常観(a sense of transitoriness)から捉える「『一秒の生』の価値」
本稿 言うまでもなく、物質界(the material world)におけるすべての存在物は、「生まれ、変化し、消滅する」という一連の流れを繰り返しています。仏教においてこのような考え方を「諸行無常」 ...
Vol. 5 60分レッスンに内在する「講師の精神」
Extra Homework 14を学習する手順は、以下の如き方法で行ってください。 <1> この教材を、実際の紙にプリント・アウトする。 このページにおいて教材のすべてを精読することができますが、印 ...
Vol. 4 「超・経験」としての”culmination”
序論 「洋の東西」(both in the East and the West)を問わず、学問・文化・芸術・スポーツ等、自分の専門分野における”専門性”を究め、その専門分野において顕著に秀でるためには ...
Vol. 3 「一秒」と「一語」の存在の意味について考える・・・世界レヴェルの英語スピーカーを目指して
1 「時間の価値」と「汗一滴の価値」 毎日、深い思索をすることなく、ただ何となく時間を過ごしてしまっている人にとっては、「一個の人間に与えられた『時間の意味(the meaning of time)』 ...
Vol. 2 international communicationとは、即ち、”human communication”である
日本では、新聞やテレビ、あるいは、教育機関の広告などで、しばしば、「国際コミュニケーターを目指せ!」というような言葉を目にしますが、そもそも、この「国際コミュニケーター(international c ...
Vol. 1 21世紀ボーダレス国際社会に必須の「『知』への道のり」
「知識」(knowledge)と「教養」(culture)の違いについて考える 世の中には、物事をたくさん知っている人がいます。本や雑誌、新聞、あるいは、インターネットを通して、様々な知識・情報・デー ...